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Functional clothing needs to be cared for so that it lasts as long as possible to function optimally. Exactly for the reasons we originally bought them. Which textile impregnation to choose and what is it?

Impregnation is definitely not only used for footwear, although we probably associate it most often with footwear. But clothes also lose their water-resistant abilities over time, which means if they are not taken care of properly, they can easily get damp or wet. Caring for functional clothing - especially its upper, protective layer - will be facilitated by clothing impregnation.

The principle of impregnation consists in saturating the material, which is otherwise absorbent. Common materials used for clothing include cotton, polyester, leather and others. Saturation of the material is achieved using a spray in the form of an aerosol, with which small particles of active substances are applied to the surface of the clothing. These can be natural or chemical, or combined. Natural forms of impregnation include, for example, waxes.

For clean clothes only

Before applying the impregnation to the fabric, we must first thoroughly clean its surface. While we scrub our shoes, we have to wash our clothes. However, outdoor clothing should not be washed in the same way as other clothes. In short, it is necessary to use only adequate detergents for some fabrics, otherwise we could damage them. Some detergents designed specifically for outdoor clothing treat our clothes gently, but at the same time they can wash them thoroughly.

Application of impregnation

On a clean and dry surface we can already apply impregnation, according to the instructions on the specific package. But be careful about the specific type of impregnation. There are universal textile impregnations that can be used on any surface, but also specific products, some of which are intended for leather, others for Gore-Tex, etc. If we were to use a different type of textile impregnation than we have, the product may not work properly and in the worse in this case it can even damage the clothes.

You can find out whether the given impregnation is suitable for the material from which your functional piece of clothing is made directly in the label or instructions of the specific product. We impregnate exactly according to the instructions and always apply at least two layers. A great advantage of impregnation is the protection of the surface of the material. The impregnation itself not only repels water, but also protects the material, which thus lasts longer and better defends itself against external influences.

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