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Unfortunately, we don't have the color of the forest, desert or the night to afford to jump into action without proper face coverage. However, not all colors are suitable for the environment we are going to.

The color of our skin does not really match with the color of the growth in the jungle, forest or other. Nevertheless, in certain situations we need to be disguised enough to blend in with the surroundings as much as possible. How do we do that? We can disguise ourselves with some overgrowth that can be attached to equipment to act as part of the forest. Even so, our face will be still visible. Fortunately, there is a way, how to cover it to be as unnoticeable as possible. This possibilty is called camouflage paint.

Neither Scottish nor Indians

We are not talking about the fighting colors that were used by the Indians, Scots and other nations during the wars. These paintings were rather provocative. The warriors painted their face to scare the enemy. The colors we're talking about are really camouflaging. We've all certainly seen a movie where members of a military unit were painted with colors so they wouldn´t attract attention. And this is what we are talking about. There are many styles and shades, it all depends on the colors of nature where we are going.

Do not worry 

The first thing that comes to mind is toxicity. We wouldn't want to have something on our face that would cause us a rash or even worse problems. We can relax. They are made to be as gentle as possible. The last thing a manufacturer wants is to harm someone. They are stable enough to withstand moisture or possible unwanted wiping off. Soapy water is enough to wash them off. Even though they are not harmful, we must be careful with our eyes. Getting paint into them wouldn´t be pleasant. 

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